

Monday, 1 January 2018

Hello 2018 - I'm still here

I didn't think I would find myself posting on here anytime soon. Truthfully at the beginning when I started this blog I did not think I would be absent for this long.
So where have I been these six years?

I found my lost in a job I had no interest in career wise (I am still there now almost five years later). Initially I needed a job, any job to get by financially (I am grateful in that sense). As time wore on I found that I was losing myself physically and feeling mentally absent. I did not recognise myself in either sense anymore.

For a period of time I found myself struggling with insomnia. My doctor tried to find the source of my stress, was it work? No. while the job was draining it wasn't mentally challenging, in fact I found the monotony and mundaneness left my brain wired at night, well because it hadn't really been exercised much during the day. My body and my brain were out of sync with each other. I stopped taking my prescribed sleeping pills after the first course. I would fix this myself.

I enrolled myself into classes in order to stimulate my brain once again. I started off with Korean language classes. Korean dramas and variety shows had become a steep slope that I gladly threw myself down #noregrets. Putting my brain back in learning mode really helped in turning my inability to shut down my brain at night. While language classes have been taking a backseat lately, the watching of KTV has not.

Learning Korean went on hold due to me re-enrolling at university. Now in my third and final year I hope this year brings long awaited changes. I have always loved writing and the creative arts, to be able to move my life in that direction would be the ultimate goal right now.

I really wanted to throw myself back into reading during 2017. I am required to read as part of my uni course but I really wanted to expand my range. I set a reading goal of 50 books, which was probably too ambitious to start of with but I finished the year with 30. For me books are journeys to lands, people and times that would be otherwise impossible. I want to be able to see the world in as many ways as possible.

I leave you with this. I come across many quotes all the time but this one is the one I think back to when I worry about how much time has passed to get where I want to be.
Cue those inspiring clouds and text images.

I have seen many blogs disappear in the time I was away. So I don't even know if anyone will find their way over to this cobwebbed blog. As long as there are people who read there will be a place for those who love to write, right?

Wishing you all a 2018 full goals and dreams that turn to reality. 

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